All of my programming projects are on my GitHub.
- Homelab - I started exploring self-hosting in 2018, and acquired a dedicated low-power machine to run 24/7 less than a year later. My main services are a SMB share, DHCP, DNS, Bitwarden server, my custom to-do list, SilverBullet for notes, automated backups (local + cloud), and WireGuard VPN. All of these except for Samba run in Docker to make managing them easier.
- Covid Bot - Created in my freshmen year of college, this Discord bot downloaded a PDF of the latest testing results from the school's covid dashboard each day. It then converted the PDF to an image and sent it out to everyone. Having the bot's posts referenced daily by many of my peers taught me the joy (and sometimes stress) of maintaining something that people rely on.
- ElasticLogger - A Minecraft server plugin which sends in-game events and server metrics to Elasticsearch. I also created two custom Kibana dashboards: one for an overview of all connected Minecraft servers, and another for looking at logs and statistics about any specific player.
- Custom Keyboard - Not (just) a programming project! I ventured into the world of hardware and built a fully custom mechanical keyboard. When I say custom, I mean my own PCB design based on measurements of my hands, ultra-light 25 gram key switches, a 3d printed base, and modified firmware.